Teaching children about money can be a tough job. I'm still a child myself and trying to teach me how to balance my monthly spendings can be a real nightmare. No matter what though, teaching financial literacy to children is an important part of ensuring that they will grow up smart with money.
I am part of a team for an organization at my school called SkillsUSA. In this event, my teammates and I benefit the community by teaching financial literacy to our peers and the children younger than ourselves. With the help of Unity one, we were certified to teach financial literacy. My group visited various elementary and middle schools in our community and let me tell you, those kids were tough to get to. The elementary kids were so bright and so energetic. When asked about college and what they do with their allowances, they answered with simple questions like "I use my money for candy!" And "My college is already paid for! It's only like 5 thousand dollars" Oh boy, little do they know that reality isn't that simple.
As a seniors in high school, we are preparing for college the upcoming fall and studies is the least bit of our worries. Money is such an issue because universities are basically taking your blood, sweat and tears for however many years you're planning on being in college!
Now, we was once in the shoes of those elementary and middles schoolers so we know how their brains are wired. It was a tough job, but I think that we did a good job. Neither one of us are parents with the experiences of teaching but I do believe that we did a great job as amateurs.
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