Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Car?

No matter what age you are, deciding to get a new car can be tough. There are many aspects that has to go into place before you can make your final decision.

Just to name a few: 
  • What kind of car do you want? Color, model, type, etc. 
  • Is it safe? 
  • And if you're a teenage girl like me, is it pretty? 
  • But most importantly, will that "new" car fit your financial needs? 
That's when you ask yourself, should you buy a car, or lease a car? 
Now, I'm an 18 year old teenage girl with probably the knowledge of a rock when it comes to financing and cars. But I did do my homework before I decided on what to do. I was given a budget and with that, I was able to explore the world wide web for my dream car. I compared models, colors, engines, everything you could possibly do with what information the website would give you on a specific car. I remember even comparing cup holders! "This car might be better, it has 8 cup holders while the other has only 4!"I would calculate how much the payment would be monthly and annually. 

When I was at the dealership with my father doing some paperwork for the car, it felt like I was on foreign land. Mind you, my father didn't speak very much english so I was the one talking and translating. They asked me if I was leasing or buying the car. Of course I wanted to buy it. I'm keeping my baby forever! The process was long and hard, especially for someone without knowledge like me. 
I chose buying the car instead of leasing it because my mother always told me that you'd be at a disadvantage if you ever lease the car. It loses it value and you don't get to keep the car! I don't know if that's really true or not, but she's my mother. She has to know what she's talking about, right? 

I guess the moral of my story is that if you make your payments right, in 20 years, you'll still have "Old Reliable" to call your own. Buying a car would be the best option in the long run (in my opinion). :)

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